Marriage Rate
Divorce Rate
% Married (Male) 15-49
% Married (Male) highest avg. available
% Married (Female)15-49
% Married (Female) highest avg. available
Life Expectancy at Birth
Types of Officially Recognized Marriages
Mean age at first marriage - Groom
Mean age at first marriage - Bride
Total Fertility Rate
% Divorced (Male) 15-49
% Divorced (Male) highest age available
% Divorced (Female) 15-49
% Divorced (Female) highest age available
% Bereaved (Male) 15-49
% Bereaved (Male) highest avg available
% Bereaved (Female)15-49
% Bereaved (Female) highest age available
% of all one parent family - male (unmarrried; note cohabitation)
% of all one parent family - female
% Polygamous Marriages
% Cohabitation
Child Poverty
% Fully Vaccinated
% Fully Vaccinated (Tetanus, Diptheria, Pertusis)
Acute Respiratory Infection
% Wasting
% Stunting
% Underweight
% Anemic
Infant Mortality Rate (Under 1 Death Rate per 1,000 Live Births)
Under 5 Mortality Rate (Deaths to Children <5 per 1,000 live births)
Life Expectancy at Birth (Male)
Life Expectancy at Birth (Female)
% Completing at least Primary Education, Both Sexes
% Completing at least Primary Education, Female
% Completing at least Secondary Education, Female
Average or median Years of Education (women)
% Literate (women)
Median Age
Average Household Size
Average Household Income
GDP (based on PPP)
Gini Coefficient
Abuse (what should we measure?)
Suicide Rate (per 100,000)
Low Birth Weight (% < 2500g)
HDI rank (2017)
Corruption Perceptions Index (2018)
Net Migration
child migration
female migration
Largest Migrant Sending Countries
Individualism Index (2015/2016 Cultural Connections Study by Hofstede Insights)
Hofstede 6 dimension
% Children with Single Parents
Women % Cohabitation
Men % Cohabitation
Child Marriage-Female U18
Child Marriage-Female U15
Population (millions)
Births per 1000
Deaths per 1000
Rate of Natural Increase (%)
% Population Under 15
% Population Over 65
% Single Parents (By household)
Wealth Inequality
% Completing at least Primary Education, Male
Median Household Income
Unemployment Rate
Residential Energy Use (PJ)
% Completing at least Secondary Education, Male
Human Development Index
% Completing at least Secondary Education, Both Sexes
We're unable to load this statistic right now.
Y Axis
X Axis
Marriage Rate
Divorce Rate
% Married (Male) 15-49
% Married (Male) highest avg. available
% Married (Female)15-49
% Married (Female) highest avg. available
Life Expectancy at Birth
Types of Officially Recognized Marriages
Mean age at first marriage - Groom
Mean age at first marriage - Bride
Total Fertility Rate
% Divorced (Male) 15-49
% Divorced (Male) highest age available
% Divorced (Female) 15-49
% Divorced (Female) highest age available
% Bereaved (Male) 15-49
% Bereaved (Male) highest avg available
% Bereaved (Female)15-49
% Bereaved (Female) highest age available
% of all one parent family - male (unmarrried; note cohabitation)
% of all one parent family - female
% Polygamous Marriages
% Cohabitation
Child Poverty
% Fully Vaccinated
% Fully Vaccinated (Tetanus, Diptheria, Pertusis)
Acute Respiratory Infection
% Wasting
% Stunting
% Underweight
% Anemic
Infant Mortality Rate (Under 1 Death Rate per 1,000 Live Births)
Under 5 Mortality Rate (Deaths to Children <5 per 1,000 live births)
Life Expectancy at Birth (Male)
Life Expectancy at Birth (Female)
% Completing at least Primary Education, Both Sexes
% Completing at least Primary Education, Female
% Completing at least Secondary Education, Female
Average or median Years of Education (women)
% Literate (women)
Median Age
Average Household Size
Average Household Income
GDP (based on PPP)
Gini Coefficient
Abuse (what should we measure?)
Suicide Rate (per 100,000)
Low Birth Weight (% < 2500g)
HDI rank (2017)
Corruption Perceptions Index (2018)
Net Migration
child migration
female migration
Largest Migrant Sending Countries
Individualism Index (2015/2016 Cultural Connections Study by Hofstede Insights)
Hofstede 6 dimension
% Children with Single Parents
Women % Cohabitation
Men % Cohabitation
Child Marriage-Female U18
Child Marriage-Female U15
Population (millions)
Births per 1000
Deaths per 1000
Rate of Natural Increase (%)
% Population Under 15
% Population Over 65
% Single Parents (By household)
Wealth Inequality
% Completing at least Primary Education, Male
Median Household Income
Unemployment Rate
Residential Energy Use (PJ)
% Completing at least Secondary Education, Male
Human Development Index
% Completing at least Secondary Education, Both Sexes
Marriage Rate
Divorce Rate
% Married (Male) 15-49
% Married (Male) highest avg. available
% Married (Female)15-49
% Married (Female) highest avg. available
Life Expectancy at Birth
Types of Officially Recognized Marriages
Mean age at first marriage - Groom
Mean age at first marriage - Bride
Total Fertility Rate
% Divorced (Male) 15-49
% Divorced (Male) highest age available
% Divorced (Female) 15-49
% Divorced (Female) highest age available
% Bereaved (Male) 15-49
% Bereaved (Male) highest avg available
% Bereaved (Female)15-49
% Bereaved (Female) highest age available
% of all one parent family - male (unmarrried; note cohabitation)
% of all one parent family - female
% Polygamous Marriages
% Cohabitation
Child Poverty
% Fully Vaccinated
% Fully Vaccinated (Tetanus, Diptheria, Pertusis)
Acute Respiratory Infection
% Wasting
% Stunting
% Underweight
% Anemic
Infant Mortality Rate (Under 1 Death Rate per 1,000 Live Births)
Under 5 Mortality Rate (Deaths to Children <5 per 1,000 live births)
Life Expectancy at Birth (Male)
Life Expectancy at Birth (Female)
% Completing at least Primary Education, Both Sexes
% Completing at least Primary Education, Female
% Completing at least Secondary Education, Female
Average or median Years of Education (women)
% Literate (women)
Median Age
Average Household Size
Average Household Income
GDP (based on PPP)
Gini Coefficient
Abuse (what should we measure?)
Suicide Rate (per 100,000)
Low Birth Weight (% < 2500g)
HDI rank (2017)
Corruption Perceptions Index (2018)
Net Migration
child migration
female migration
Largest Migrant Sending Countries
Individualism Index (2015/2016 Cultural Connections Study by Hofstede Insights)
Hofstede 6 dimension
% Children with Single Parents
Women % Cohabitation
Men % Cohabitation
Child Marriage-Female U18
Child Marriage-Female U15
Population (millions)
Births per 1000
Deaths per 1000
Rate of Natural Increase (%)
% Population Under 15
% Population Over 65
% Single Parents (By household)
Wealth Inequality
% Completing at least Primary Education, Male
Median Household Income
Unemployment Rate
Residential Energy Use (PJ)
% Completing at least Secondary Education, Male
Human Development Index
% Completing at least Secondary Education, Both Sexes
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